Breaking the Cycle

Data linkage is helping researchers understand the lifelong impact of child abuse and neglect, and how they entrench intergenerational disadvantage. Every year, 1 in 20 Australian children will be reported to child protection. One in 50 children will be the subject of an investigation by authorities and 1 in 100 will have that report substantiated. […]

How data linkage can improve the health of older people

Older people, despite bearing the burden of chronic disease and being more likely to take prescription drugs older people are under-represented in clinical trials. Studying older people When pharmaceutical companies do clinical trials, people over the age of 70 are often excluded. It’s partly ageism, says Professor Leon Flicker, a geriatric medicine specialist at The University of Western Australia. […]

Carpentries Partnership for Australia to Uplift Digital Research Skills

people at a computer

A new partnership between 10 Australian research institutions will train instructors in The Carpentries, a proven method for teaching digital research skills to researchers. We are pleased to announce a new partnership between 10 Australian research institutions to train instructors in The Carpentries digital research skills. The partnership will be announced today at the ARDC Digital […]

How Australia’s national research infrastructure is responding to COVID-19

NCRIS COVID-19 response

Australia’s National Research Infrastructure (NRI) swiftly redeployed to support national and international COVID-19 research. Some examples are listed below. Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP), Bioplatforms Australia (BPA), Microscopy Australia and Therapautic Innovation Australia (TIA) were involved in the University of Queensland vaccine program. Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (APPF) is supporting research into plant-based vaccines. Astronomy Australia […]

Australian Urban Health Indicators

doctor using tablet to review health data

Creating new health indicators that improve the understanding of the health of Australian urban and regional populations Australian Urban Health Indicators (AusUrb-HI) is a collaboration between NCRIS facilities – the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN), the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) and the Population Health Research Network (PHRN) – and researchers, that will develop a suite of new indicator data […]

The risk of ‘Mr Fluffy’ insulation

When Australian National University epidemiologist Associate Professor Rosemary Korda first started holding public forums for Canberra residents affected by ‘Mr Fluffy’ insulation, people were very distressed. “There was quite a bit of anger in the room, and pretty upset people,” she remembers. “There were definitely people who were very concerned about future health effects of the asbestos insulation, particularly […]

Linked Data and the Reduction in Cervical Cancer in Australia

Data linkage has had a significant role in the reduction in cervical cancer in Australia. Preventing cervical cancer The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine is a powerful tool for the prevention of cervical cancer. It was developed by industry, based on critical research done at the University of Queensland. Australia was the first country in the world to introduce […]