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Research Infrastructure Connected (RIC) connects researchers and innovators with Australia's national research infrastructure supported by NCRIS.


NCRIS - we enhance research

The National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) is a $4 billion Australian Government initiative supported by universities, industry, research agencies, and state and territory governments. NCRIS' world-class research facilities drive innovation and research in Australia and internationally.

Something for everyone

From telescopes to microscopes, supercomputers to ion accelerators, data collections to software platforms, NCRIS provides the infrastructure and expertise to help you make things, test things and answer questions with real data.

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Trusted by leading researchers, industries, innovators, students and more.

Professor James McCaw and his team utilise the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud for pivotal COVID-19 research. With 30-40 Australian researchers, they've made significant scholarly contributions, particularly in mathematical biology, aiding the pandemic response.
Having these linked data means health services can now identify the best locations for new dialysis centres based on how far people are travelling. Service providers may consider providing tele-dialysis instead or identify patients suitable for home dialysis.
The eduGAIN connection, provided by the AAF, is a vital service for an international collaboration like the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), making it simple for our team of global researchers to access data from the telescope.
“Excellent service and enables research outputs and access to expertise that are otherwise difficult to access when at smaller institutions.”
Phenomics Australia
The ‘MWAX’ correlator upgrade (the ‘brain’ of the MWA telescope) marks a significant evolution for MWA. It exemplifies our commitment to delivering top-tier data and service to the MWA Collaboration, made possible by AAL's unwavering support.
The ACCESS-Hive user portal is of great benefit to the Australian climate community. It is something that was on our wish list for a long time, and now we finally have a shared platform we can use for documentation and collaboration.
A primary consideration for Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data access in a safe and secure manner for its research community. This requires high-quality trusted security solutions, like the AAF to be in place.
We were able to use the AusTraits database, supported by ARDC, for crucial recovery and conservation planning post the 2019/20 megafires. AusTraits was key for the work commissioned by the Threatened Species Commissioner, making the task significantly less challenging.
IMOS provides us with critical in situ observations that our meteorologists and researchers use to ensure Australia’s weather and climate services are world-class, and to provide our community with information to make critical decisions for the protection of life and property.
Linked data is a relatively low-cost and efficient way of gathering high-quality information, with several advantages over traditional surveys.
For a recent major project, I had to identify target galaxies from 120,000 patches of sky. On a laptop, this would have taken 80 years! Thankfully, ADACS and Swinburne's OzSTAR supercomputer turned decades into weeks, analysing data swiftly and efficiently.
“I sought the expertise and technical services of Phenomics Australia for the process of reprogramming blood cells into iPSCs. Their service was truly outstanding.”
Phenomics Australia
“Phenomics Australia provides the very best tools and expertise to help me make scientific breakthroughs in the treatment of infectious disease and cancer.”
Phenomics Australia
“The safe storage of sperm from GEM mouse strains is an invaluable service.”
Phenomics Australia

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