Southern Ocean Time Series providing important data for ocean observations globally

Biological and life sciences, Chemical sciences and industries, Climate science, Environmental sciences and technologies, Information and computing sciences, Marine research and ocean industries

Deployed and retrieved by the Marine National Facility (MNF) on behalf of Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), the Southern Ocean Time Series Observatory provides high temporal resolution observations in sub-Antarctic waters.

Observations are broad and include measurements of physical, chemical and biogeochemical parameters from multiple deep water moorings in the sub-Antarctic Zone southwest of Tasmania. The emphasis is on seasonal and inter-annual variations of lower atmosphere and upper ocean properties and their influence on exchange with the deep ocean. The continuous time-series information allows the study of ocean physics and chemistry, climate change, carbon cycling and biogeochemical controls on marine productivity. These moorings provide cost-effective observations and overcome the infrequent availability of ships in the region.

Key data streams for the Southern Ocean Time series