Dr Ceri Brenner is the Director of ANSTO’s Centre for Accelerator Science, a national user facility housing 4 particle accelerators, 12 beamlines, and 12 highly-specialised sample preparation laboratories. She moved to Australia to join ANSTO in early 2021, after 9 years at the UK Research and Innovation’s Central Laser Facility as a laser-plasma physicist and group leader for Industry Partnerships and Innovation. Her research background is the application of petawatt lasers for novel, plasma-based accelerators with applications in non-destructive testing and medicine. In 2017 she was awarded the UK Institute of Physics Clifford-Paterson medal for early career contributions to the application of physics in an industrial or commercial context. And in 2018 was awarded the Australian Institute of Physics Women in Physics lecturer, which recognises and promotes significant contributions by a woman to advancing a field of physics and to inspiring future physicists.