Australian Access Federation (AAF)

Aerospace - astronomy - satellites, Agriculture - horticulture - viticulture, Animal health and veterinary sciences, Arts and creative industries, Biological and life sciences, Biomedical and clinical sciences, Biotechnology - therapeutics - pharmaceuticals, Chemical sciences and industries, Defence and security industries, Earth sciences, Economics, Education and training, Energy, Engineering, Environmental management and policy, Environmental sciences and technologies, Healthcare and social services, History - heritage - archaeology, Indigenous studies, Information and computing sciences, Language - communication - culture, Law and legal studies, Marine research and ocean industries, Physical sciences, Plant production and plant primary products, Public policy
Cloud computing, Cyber security and identity access management, Data infrastructure, Data linkage units, Metadata

About this Provider

The Australian Access Federation (AAF) is Australia’s leading provider of identity and access management services to the education and research sector. Established in 2009, the AAF is an identity federation and part of a global network of over 87 federations around the world.

We make it easy for people to securely access education and research institutions nationally and internationally, by providing single sign-on. It allows individuals from different organisations to collaborate and access online resources within a trusted environment.

In 2023 we were recognised as an NCRIS capability, providing expertise as Australia’s Trust and Identity capability. We are leading the development of a common set of policies, standards, and technologies. Creating a more connected and collaborative national research infrastructure ecosystem, accessible by industry, research and government.

AAF is also the national consortium lead for ORCID in Australia. The ORCID Consortium provides a national service to support the adoption of ORCID at institutions. ORCID allows members to automate how research outputs are reported and links researchers to their activities and outputs using a persistent identifier.

Contact Information


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The Australian Access Federation (AAF) is a vital part of the Australian eResearch infrastructure landscape enabling safe and secure access of education and research institutions both locally and internationally.

We provide seamless and secure access to databases, journals, national research facilities, compute, scientific instruments and international publications.

AAF supports:

  • researchers
  • universities
  • national research infrastructures
  • publishers and platform providers
  • government research institutes and funding agencies
  • not-for-profit organisations
  • commercial organisations

The Australian Access Federation has several solutions available. We can work with you to find a solution that best suits your needs.

We work with national research infrastructures to implement seamless and secure access. We are building a Trust and Identity Framework that includes common policies, standards and technologies so researchers will enjoy a more cohesive network of services. Through one username and password they will be able to seamlessly access multiple national research capabilities.

For institutions and universities, we can connect you to the Federation. This enables seamless and secure collaboration with all Australian universities, CSIRO, NSW Health and other research organisations, both nationally and internationally.

Our cloud-hosted solution, Rapid Identity Provider (Rapid IdP) enables institutions and universities to connect to the Federation. We manage the infrastructure for your organisation, delivering a secure, resilient and highly available service.

A privacy preserving verification solution to confirm that a person has a current student or staff relationship with an Australian university or research organisation. Commercial organisations can improve user experience with fast, accurate, online customer verification using VerifID Global.

The ORCID Consortium provides a national service to support the adoption of ORCID at institutions. It allows members to automate how research outputs are reported and links researchers to their activities and outputs using a persistent identifier.


The Australian Access Federation (AAF) are experts in trust and identity and Australia’s leading provider of identity and access management services to the education and research sector. We make it easy for people to securely access education and research services nationally and internationally.

Federated Identity and Access Management

Trust and Identity

Technical Support


Rapid IdP



Single sign-on



Capabilities and expertise

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Federated Identity and Access Management

SAAS /software service

Trust and Identity

Technical Support

ORCID Support


Short explanation on services (optional) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua





The Latest Updates

How we have helped

Provider case studies

Through trust and identity, the impact of Australia’s distributed microscopy...
Understanding the usage of Australia’s critical climate change modelling software...
Through a national framework for trusted identity, accessing one of...
We recently chatted with Joe Shapter, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)...
Thanks to investment from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC),...

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