Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP)

Agriculture - horticulture - viticulture, Animal health and veterinary sciences, Biological and life sciences, Healthcare and social services
Bioinformatics, Biological sample collections, Biomolecular data, Monitoring protocols, Specialised environments (grow rooms - secure remote access labs - laboratories)

About this Provider

ACDP helps protect Australia’s multi-billion dollar livestock and aquaculture industries, and the general public, from emerging infectious disease threats. It is a high-containment facility designed to allow scientific research into the most dangerous infectious agents in the world.

ACDP has a number of laboratories which are operated at Physical containment level 4, suitable for conducting research on highly infectious disease agents.
our work

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Through our world-leading infrastructure, research programs and scientific expertise, the ACDP helps protect Australia’s valuable livestock and aquaculture industries, and the community, from exotic and emerging infectious diseases.
Our expert research and operational teams work together across multiple disciplines at ACDP, adopting a One Health approach that recognises the health of people, animals and the environment are interconnected.
Together, our staff:

  • Increase Australia’s preparedness and capability to rapidly respond to biosecurity challenges, including human and animal health and biosecurity threats
  • Conduct fundamental research to increase understanding of infectious agents of significance to human and animal health
  • Support development and testing of vaccines and therapeutics for a broad range of human and animal diseases
  • Maintain world-class national facility infrastructure and accreditation.

ACDP contains world-class research infrastructure including a PC4 zoonosis laboratory, PC3 biosecure immunology laboratory, PC3 bioimaging suite and PC3 insectary.

Suitable for animal or cell-based BSL-4 pathogen and pathogenicity studies. The laboratory houses BSCII cabinets (x6), TC incubators (x5), an ultracentrifuge, an inverted fluorescence microscope, an inverted light microscope, an analytical balance, absorbance plate reader, -80 °C freezer, IVC units (mice only) and 3 small-animal study rooms.

Suitable for real-time, live-cell imaging of infectious pathogens in model tissue culture systems, confocal microscopy involving infectious agents, and virology with additional containment (e.g. rabies virus). The suite houses a transmission electron microscope, confocal microscope, laser dissection microscope, high-pressure freezer, inverted light microscope, BSCII cabinet, -80°C freezer, a fume hood and a TC incubator.

Suitable for cell-based immunology using flow cytometry including cell sorting, conventional PCR, and tissue culture. The laboratory houses a Fortessa analytical flow cytometer, ARIA3 flow cytometer (sorting), real-time qPCR machine, conventional PCR machine, BSCII cabinets (x2), TC incubators (x2), and an inverted fluorescence microscope.

Suitable for vector competence studies for exotic viruses and arbovirology. The insectary houses environmental cabinets, a fluorescence microscope, dissection microscope, BSCII cabinet, Nanoject micro-injector, Femtoject micro-injector and Hemotek blood-feeding equipment. NOTE: To facilitate access to our NCRIS funded facilities, ACDP has a dedicated PC3 and PC4 training laboratory 60 square metres in size.


At ACDP, CSIRO conducts standalone and collaborative research projects that benefit Australia by increasing infectious disease preparedness and response capabilities and strengthening Australia’s biosecurity framework. 


The Centre’s expert research and operational staff work together with human and animal health agencies to protect Australia and our regions’ livestock and aquaculture industries, and our people, from infectious disease threats.



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CSIRO’s scientific expertise extends across the disease and science spectrum, from diagnostics, pathogenesis and epidemiology, to virus characterisation, test development and animal studies.
Supporting scientific research are highly specialised operations teams who maintain facility biocontainment, biosafety, quality assurance, training, site security and monitoring, engineering and infrastructure maintenance





CSIRO’s modern, high-containment laboratory space and skilled scientific team can be accessed by Australian and international research organisations to conduct impactful research projects of national benefit. Access is available through:

We have facilities that are compliant with the following quality standards 

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  • ISO 14001:2015
  • ISO/IEC 17043:2010
  • ISO/IEC 1705:2017
  • ISO9001
  • PC4

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