National Sea Simulator (SeaSim)

Agriculture - horticulture - viticulture, Biological and life sciences, Climate science, Earth sciences, Environmental management and policy, Environmental sciences and technologies, Marine research and ocean industries, Utilities (excl. Energy)
Field-based observational infrastructure, Specialised environments (grow rooms - secure remote access labs - laboratories), Testing - physical simulators - metrology - validation

About this Provider

Welcome to the National Sea Simulator (SeaSim), run by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), where innovation meets marine aquarium experimentation. SeaSim is an internationally significant experimental marine research facility employing cutting-edge industrial process automation technologies. It enables complex, large scale, long-term aquarium based experimental studies supporting research of Australia’s marine estate.

SeaSim features various experimental spaces ranging from 1300m2 of open-plan outdoor space allowing large-scale experiments under natural lighting conditions to smaller controlled environment rooms with artificial lighting. With precise control of environmental parameters like temperature, light, pH, salinity, sediments, and contaminants, the facility offers unparalleled opportunities to study marine organisms and processes. This control allows research in areas such as Future oceans and Climate Change, Climate Change mitigation and Adaptation, Water Quality and Emerging Contaminants (Ecotox), Marine Diseases and Pests, Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Development and Technology and Innovation.

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The National Sea Simulator (SeaSim) aids researchers in studying marine life under controlled conditions, enhancing understanding of climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation, and marine conservation. Government agencies use research undertaken in the SeaSim for evidence-based policymaking on marine conservation and water quality. Educators and students gain hands-on learning experiences, fostering interest in marine science and conservation. Furthermore, SeaSim serves as an educational tool, providing hands-on experiences for students and educators in marine science. By supporting research, conservation, industry practices, policy decisions, and education, SeaSim plays a vital role in advancing knowledge and sustainable management of marine environments, benefiting a wide range of stakeholders and industries.


At the forefront of marine research, the SeaSim stands as a beacon of innovation and support for scientists dedicated to understanding and preserving our oceans.

The SeaSim provides end-to-end support for conducting marine aquarium experiments. We provide support across the whole life of an experiment including experimental design, experimental system design and operation, collection and acclimation of marine organisms, 24/7 monitoring of experimental systems including out of hours alarm response, and advanced husbandry support.

If the experimental system to facilitate your research doesn’t exist, then the SeaSim has a team who can design bespoke systems, draw them up utilising Computer Assisted Design (CAD), have them built in the AIMS workshop, and then prototyped, tested, and commissioned before implementation in experimental systems in the SeaSim. Connected to the sophisticated water manipulation systems this offers unprecedented capability for marine experimental research.

Services and expertise

End-to-end aquarium based experimental marine research

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

Bespoke marine experimental systems

Marine conservation

Tropical marine research

Collection and acclimation of tropical marine organisms

Tropical marine experimentation

Great Barrier Reef experimental research

Water quality and emerging contaminant research (Ecotoxicology)

Marine Disease and Pest Research

Biodiversity Conservation


A range of experimental aquarium spaces ranging from 1300m2 open-plan outdoors areas with natural lighting to smaller controlled environment rooms with artificial lighting.

Advanced industrial process automation control allowing for precise and accurate control of water quality parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH/pCO2, water movement, contaminant dosing, light, nutrients etc. Dynamic control of water quality parameters to enable replication of conditions found in the field today and the ability to replicate future state scenarios.

Aquarium systems ranging in size from 5,000L to 5L. Large scale mesocosm systems with dynamic control of temperature, pH/pCO2 and light.

A range of equipment for measuring and monitoring experimental systems and organisms: PAR sensors, spectrophotometers, PAM Fluorometers (Diving PAM, Imaging PAM, MiniPAM), oxygen sensors, automated photo-imagery, hyperspectral cameras, respiration systems, behavioural flumes, fish multi-lane swim chambers, contaminant, microplastic and sediment dosing systems.

Aquarium spaces

Water quality control

Experiment monitoring systems


Short explanation on services (optional) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua





A merit-based application program will provide access and support to conduct a research project in the National Sea Simulator. If you are interest, please contact us via email.

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