Phenomics Australia (PA)

Animal health and veterinary sciences, Biological and life sciences, Biomedical and clinical sciences, Biotechnology - therapeutics - pharmaceuticals, Defence and security industries, Education and training, Healthcare and social services, Manufacturing, Medical equipment and devices, Public policy
Bioinformatics, Biological sample collections, Biological synthesis, Biomolecular data, Data access, Data infrastructure, Data storage, Genome annotation, Genome engineering, Imaging and image analysis, Phenotyping, Specialised environments (grow rooms - secure remote access labs - laboratories)

About this Provider

Phenomics Australia provides a national capability to explore the human genome and the genetic basis of health and disease. Our openly accessible service delivery centres span twenty locations across Australia. Through these, we offer specialised infrastructure, research services and technical expertise dedicated to advancing our fundamental understanding of health and disease and enabling next-generation innovations in healthcare and therapeutic development to benefit all Australians.

Contact Information

P: +00 0000 000


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With the advancement of health genomics and precision medicine there exists a significant opportunity for Phenomics Australia to be ambitious in how we develop our support for biomedical researchers and clinicians to discover the genetic drivers of human disease. Leveraging our established strengths, we will continue to deliver new investments in cutting-edge capabilities to address unmet research needs and national health priorities. We will deploy our extensive experience to pursue valuable new collaborations and opportunities for national and international leadership, further enhancing our engagement with academia, healthcare and industry. We will continue to develop our partnerships with prominent and emerging health initiatives and infrastructure providers, to establish integrated development pipelines for research discovery and translation.


Phenomics Australia is at the forefront of facilitating biomedical research through a comprehensive suite of services designed to advance the understanding and treatment of diseases.

Phenomics Australia Biobanking service provides a database and cryobank of mouse sperm and embryos essential for discovering and distributing disease models in Australia.

Phenomics Australia enables genome-scale cell-based CRISPR and compound screening in both 2D and 3D cell lines, PDX, patient-derived cells, and complex disease models using sophisticated liquid handling automation, high content cellular phenotyping, and reporter-based readouts.

Phenomics Australia enables detailed description of the pathological changes in every tissue of in vivo disease models to efficiently determine the biological consequences of genetic mutations and to relate mutant and other disease phenotypes to human disease.

Phenomics Australia supports the production of bespoke in vivo models possessing targeted mutations of interest and which can replicate clinical findings.

To complement our established in vivo capabilities, Phenomics Australia is actively expanding our range of in vitro engineering and disease modelling system to include cell-, organoid- and tissue-based models, as well as 3D bioprinting.


Phenomics Australia provides a critical network of scientific and technical leaders and expert personnel to ensure researchers and clinicians have access to training, consultancy, guidance, technical, grant and intellectual support suited to the various needs of the end-users in a supported national hub model.

Biomedical Data Asset


Australian Phenome Bank (APB)

Missense Mutation Library (MML)

International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)

Services and expertise

3D biology and screening

3D bioprinting

Animal model provision

Arrayed CRISPR screening

Bioinformatics pipeline for quantitative analysis

Compound Screening

Cellular phenotyping

COVID-19 modelling

CRISPR/Cas9 screening

CRISPR/Cas9 technology in mice and cell generation


Gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells

Data provision

Digital slide scanning

DNA construct design and production

Expert analysis and data curation for pathological analysis

Genotyping, phenotyping and associated bioinformatics

Human iPSCs

High-throughput imaging and screening

Mice cryopreservation




Pathological analysis

Patient-derived lines

Pooled viral CRISPR screening

Production of transgenic mice, rats, and other species

Reanimation, redistribution and importation of mice

RNAi screening

Searchable mouse strain databases

shRNA platform

Stem Cell Registry

Tissue scoring

Training, consultancy and technical support

Transgenic Drosophila production

Quality Systems

Our facilities have areas that are compliant with the following quality standards:







Our facilities have areas that are compliant with the following quality standards:

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The Latest Updates

How we have helped

Provider case studies

National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)-supported programs have received nearly...
The NCRIS Health Group will support Australian brain cancer research...
Bowel cancer claims more than 100 lives in Australia every...
On a recent visit to EMBL Heidelberg, Ian Smith, Chair...
The Australian Phenome Bank: a national biobank and database aiding...
Phenomics Australia NCRIS expertise is used in providing knowledge to...
Infrastructure and expertise supported by Phenomics Australia and Therapeutic Innovation...
Australia’s National Research Infrastructure (NRI) swiftly redeployed to support national...

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