TRI boosts medical research efficiency with FileSender
The Translational Research Institute’s integration of FileSender enables fast and secure data sharing, streamlining collaboration for vital medical research. The Translational Research Institute (TRI) is at the forefront of medical research, supporting diverse research projects that produce crucial data to further our understanding of complex diseases. The institute plays a key role in studies spanning cancer biology, […]
Streamlining remote sensing data transfers for environmental research
FileSender addresses the challenge of moving large datasets around for researchers participating in the Joint Remote Sensing Research Program. For environmental researchers, the volume of data generated by remote sensing technologies can be massive and challenging to manage. The Joint Remote Sensing Research Program (JRSRP) is a leader in this field, involving experts from academia […]
Baseline monitoring of seagrass and macroalgal habitats for an integrated national response to extreme events
Background The frequency and severity of extreme events such as marine heatwaves, cyclones and flooding along Australia’s West Coast is increasing, however, the impact of such events on marine ecosystems cannot be determined without sufficient baseline data. For example, 36 percent of the total seagrass area in Shark Bay is thought to have died in […]
Quantifying seabed habitats and associated biota in the Murray Australian Marine Park
Background While detailed habitat mapping coverage has been substantially advanced by State governments in many coastal regions, Commonwealth waters of the continental shelf typically lack detailed habitat maps and, at best, have coarse resolution bathymetric layers. Focusing on the Murray Marine Park, this voyage aimed to fill key information gaps in our knowledge of the […]
ALA helps to stop pests in their tracks
The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and its large network of biodiversity data providers are helping our national biosecurity system to protect Australia’s flora and fauna from the threat of invasive species. The ALA’s Biosecurity Alert System Australia is one of the most biodiverse continents on the planet, but the health of our environment, and agriculture, is under constant threat […]
State support injects big cash for upgrades and new national research infrastructure
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)-supported programs have received nearly $30 million in co-investment from the New South Wales and Queensland Governments through the NCRIS Support Program and Research Infrastructure Co-Investment Fund (RICF), respectively. Co-funding arrangements such as the NCRIS Support Program and RICF are another way that NCRIS ensures that spending on research infrastructure […]
Data Without Borders: the role of Globus in international genome research
Genetics technical specialists at the Biomolecular Resource Facility are using the Globus data movement service through AARNet to share huge datasets with national and international collaborators. The Biomolecular Resource Facility (BRF) is located in Canberra within the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University (ANU). As a core laboratory providing research […]
Future-proofing computational proteomics
EMBL Australia and Bioplatforms Australia joined forces to host a pivotal proteomics workshop titled ‘Future-proofing Computational Proteomics’ on 24 April, featuring leading guest speakers, Dr Rolf Apweiler, Prof Marc Wilkins and Dr Richard Lipscombe. The Australian proteomics community discussed advancements in proteomics research and the pivotal role of computational approaches in shaping the future of […]
Strengthening our European connections to EMBL and beyond
On a recent visit to EMBL Heidelberg, Ian Smith, Chair of the EMBL Australia Council, spoke about the synergies between EMBL and EMBL Australia, opportunities for collaboration and ideas for exciting future programs. Ian Smith, Chair of the EMBL Australia Council, chatted to EMBL about the synergies between the organisations, opportunities for collaboration, and ideas […]
Breaking the Cycle
Data linkage is helping researchers understand the lifelong impact of child abuse and neglect, and how they entrench intergenerational disadvantage. Every year, 1 in 20 Australian children will be reported to child protection. One in 50 children will be the subject of an investigation by authorities and 1 in 100 will have that report substantiated. […]