Our spectrometry wizards at Macquarie University’s MQ GeoAnalytical laboratory (MQGA) are at it again, innovatively applying their new age-dating technique to novel science challenges outside of the geology domain. From detecting trace elements in cochlear implants in Australia to tracing the provenance of Iron Age sword fragments from Dubai, this newly NCRIS enabled geo-analytical technique promises infinite possibilities for diverse and vital ‘fingerprinting’ missions.

Usually, in the MQGA instrument park and geochemical laboratories, you will find a team of geochemists including Dr Olivier Alard, Peter Wieland, Dr Yi-Jen Lai, Dr Tim Murphy and Dr Yoann Gréau developing innovative methods and research for real-world geological and environmental challenges. Their work involves imaging and analysing tiny particles of matter contained within minerals, rocks and fluids under the microscope or the crosshairs of a mass spectrometer.
But occasionally, the team comes across different kinds of scientific questions beyond the natural sciences. Recently, after developing the Rubidium-Strontium in situ age-dating technique, the MQGA team’s savoir-faire allowed them to take on a science challenge with an unlikely collaborator, Cochlear Australia, the leading manufacturer of cochlear implants in Australia. Dr Nicole Fong, Principal Scientist (project leader) from Cochlear Australia, reflects on the Cochlear and MQGA collaboration:
“Cochlear’s collaboration with the MQGA has been extremely fruitful. The team’s expertise and capability in analysing trace levels of rare metals have provided valuable insights into our implant electrodes, which allow us to better understand and evaluate future technologies for the potential of even better hearing outcomes for our recipients.”
Cochlear Ltd., reached out to MQGA (Macquarie University, AuScope node) in 2019. Their challenge was to monitor trace levels of rare metals to aid their research into new electrode technologies and their electrochemistry. The teams were able to use the New AuScope enabled plasma mass spectrometer technology (tandem ICP-MS) to accurately and speedily identify trace metal concentrations such as platinum, gold and titanium in the saline used to test their samples. Scientist Vivian Wang from Cochlear Ltd., Australia, reflects on her experience,
“By providing Cochlear with better analyses, and more interaction between our teams, we gain a deeper understanding of the different electrochemical processes involved in the conception and evolution of our revolutionary hearing implants.”
A step back in time
It has been quite a journey to get to the point where geoscientists like the MQGA team can use powerful mass spectrometers for a wide range of applications in their daily work. From deciphering the origin of continents to how the moon was formed, geochemists have used mass-spectrometry to extract chemical and isotopic information about when and how rocks form. They have achieved this through the development of accurate analysis of the chemical makeup of rocks. Modern mass spectrometry has come a long way since J.J Thomson invented the first mass spectrometer in 1912. This tool, known as the ‘parabola spectrograph,’ was used to detect the existence of nonradioactive isotopes. The ability to accurately and quantitatively measure elements has been improving ever since.
Cross-disciplinary futures
MQGA is continuing their streak of expanding the applications of traditional mass-spectrometry into diverse areas. From measuring the extent to which Zinc in sunscreens penetrates the skin to the abundance and distribution of nutriment elements in rice grains, a key issue for food sustainability in a warming climate. They have also been asked to decipher the provenance and the manufacturing of swords in the Arabic Peninsula (Stepanov et al., 2020) and are currently exploring the evolution of centuries of Copper-industry in the Middle East (collaboration with Dr Joseph W. Lehner, The University of Sydney).
The MQGA team is excited about the new projects flowing from these cross-disciplinary collaborations and the diverse applications of geoscientific analytical techniques that are sparking this new work. Dr Olivier Alard reflects on future research,
“New technologies are a key driver of frontier research, but nowadays technology transfer to other scientific fields is achieved in a couple of years or less. State of the art analytical facilities, such as MQGA, are the cradle of interdisciplinary research and an efficient and realistic platform for industry-academia collaboration.”