Bioplatforms Australia (BPA)

Agriculture - horticulture - viticulture, Biological and life sciences, Biomedical and clinical sciences
Bioinformatics, Biomolecular data, Data access, Genome annotation, Genome engineering, Protein and metabolite characterisation

About this Provider

Bioplatforms Australia is a non-profit organisation that supports Australian life science research by investing in state-of-the-art infrastructure and expertise in genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, synthetic biology and bioinformatics. This is made possible through investment funding provided by the Commonwealth Government National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

Our mission is to enhance life science research capabilities, support innovation and help transform scientific outcomes into tangible benefits for Australians.

We do this by:

  • supporting a national network of laboratories that provide DNA, RNA, protein and metabolite analysis.
  • developing national scientific initiatives and collaborations across health and biomedicine, agriculture and food, as well as biodiversity and environment.
  • leading the Australian BioCommons, an ambitious national bioinformatics infrastructure response to the ever-increasing digitisation of biology and evolving analytical requirements.

Contact Information

national footprint and access

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Bioplatforms Australia supports a national network of laboratories that conduct genome sequencing, protein and metabolite analysis, and synthetic biology. Bioplatforms also support a national digital capability for life science researchers through The Australian BioCommons. With a nationwide distribution, researchers benefit from both local support and national-scale access.


These laboratories cater to all life science researchers and associated industries in Australia, managing over 20,000 contracts annually for over 3,000 researchers from various sectors including universities, state and federal government, private and corporate enterprise, consultants, and startups.


Access to these laboratory facilities is available through fee-based services, or through supported partnerships and collaborations with Bioplatforms Australia. Meanwhile, Australian researchers enjoy free access to computational services, web-based analytics platforms, sharing of bioinformatics tools and training facilitated by the Australian BioCommons.


We support your research and innovations by expanding your collaborations and access to world-class technology platforms for biomolecular (omics) data generation.

Biomolecular Technology Platforms

This infrastructure bolsters protein structure and function research through proteomics. Our facilities provide diverse services like high throughput proteomics, protein biochemistry, monoclonal antibody production, drug discovery and screening.

Our proteomics facilities:

Metabolomics offers high throughput analyses of cellular metabolites, essential for comprehensive systems analysis. Specialising in biomedical, agricultural, and industrial applications, Metabolomics Australia provides synergistic technologies and expertise to researchers and collaborators.

Our metabolomics facilities:

Researchers and industry can partner with our facilities to generate new knowledge, develop bio-industries, and address societal challenges such as environmental protection, climate change, applications in health, agricultural productivity, and sustainable manufacturing.

Our facilities:

The Australian BioCommons provides a national digital capability to enhance Australian research using biomolecular data. This capability provides researchers with bioinformatics training and tools, as well as access to Australia’s national computing facilities and analytics platforms and workflows.


Open data resources

Bioplatforms Australia invests in the deployment of its research infrastructure into National Science Initiatives established to generate large-scale, reusable, open access data resources and methods to address prioritised national challenges in human health, agriculture and food, and biodiversity. 


Through communities of practice, these initiatives aim to elevate Australia’s scientific capabilities by facilitating access for new or non-traditional users of biomolecular data, as well as facilitating the translation of these data resources into practical applications in light of Australia’s greatest challenges. 


Please contact us to discuss collaboration opportunities in our National Science Initiatives.

You can access Bioplatforms open access national data resources at our Data Portal or search for data through the Australian Reference Genome Atlas. 






Bioplatforms Australia collaborates with more than 300 partners across national programs in Australia, including; Cooperative Research Centres, National Environmental Science Program Hubs, ARC Centres of Excellence, Industry Transformation Research Hubs and Training Centres, MRFF missions, NHMRC and ARC projects, and commercially-linked activities such as investment into innovative research agendas and start-ups. 

Please contact us to discuss our partnership opportunities. 






Through Bioplatforms’ infrastructure and personnel investment we ensure highly skilled researchers have access to world-class technology platforms in Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics and Synthetic Biology with integrated Bioinformatics capabilities.





Full access to the Data Portal ‘omics resources requires registration. Bioplatforms Australia has defined Terms and Conditions for access to their website, along with a Privacy Statement on data collection, which apply identically to the present Data Portal.

Terms and conditions relevant to data use:

  • Bioplatforms Australia holds the copyright to all original material produced and displayed on this site. Users may not copy or reproduce the original material displayed on this site without the express written consent of Bioplatforms Australia.
  • User access to and use of this site is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Our facilities have areas that are compliant with the following quality standards. 

  • ISO15189
  • ISO17025
  • ISO9001
  • PC2

The Latest Updates

How we have helped

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