EMBL Australia

Biological and life sciences, Biomedical and clinical sciences, Education and training
Bioinformatics, Biological sample collections, Biological synthesis, Biomolecular data, Chemical synthesis, Cloud computing, Data access, Data infrastructure, Data linkage units, Data storage, Field-based observational infrastructure, Genome annotation, Genome engineering, Imaging and image analysis, Ion accelerators, Irradiation, Material characterisation, Materials synthesis and modification, Metadata, Micro-fabrication, Modelling and device design, Modelling software and software applications, Monitoring protocols, Phenotyping, Protein and metabolite characterisation, Specialised environments (grow rooms - secure remote access labs - laboratories), Supercomputing

About this Provider

EMBL Australia is a life science network that supports ambitious research projects and provides access to infrastructure and training to early and mid-career Australian scientists. Through Australia’s associate membership of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Australian researchers can access EMBL’s broad range of world-class infrastructures and international expertise.

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Our expertise

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Australia is an associated member of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Europe’s flagship life sciences institution. The associate membership gives Australia the opportunity to internationalise our life sciences research, introduce the world’s best young researchers to new networks and tools, and develop highly competitive research teams networked across the nation and with Europe and Asia.

EMBL Australia encompasses:

  • access to international linkages and world-class infrastructure through EMBL and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) – including 40+ bioinformatics and data resources and more than 20 experimental services in the fields of structural biology, imaging, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, in vivo gene editing and chemical biology,
  • a Partner Laboratory Network consisting of 13 research groups led by outstanding early-career researchers at nodes in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and the ACT,
  • student training programs, including a PhD course, postgraduate symposium and travel grants to support students training at one of EMBL’s six European sites, and
  • specialised training workshops in various microscopy techniques for local researchers and technicians.

We enable access to EMBL’s world-class infrastructures and international resources, linkages to the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), and provide training to local researchers, technicians and PhD students.

Through Australia’s associate membership of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Australian researchers can access EMBL’s broad range of world-class infrastructures and resources, encompassing more than 40 bioinformatics and data resources and more than 20 experimental services in the fields of structural biology, imaging, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, in vivo gene editing, and chemical biology.

EMBL Australia provides a variety of training programs – both specialised training for local researchers and technicians and more broad training for high-achieving Australian PhD students, giving them a head start in their science careers. We also offer travel grants to EMBL sites in Europe, allowing PhD students to access EMBL’s highly regarded programs, workshops and conferences and develop international networks in Europe.

Locally, we provide opportunities for Australian institutions to benefit from the EMBL model through our Partner Laboratory Network
Internationally, inter-institutional partnerships ensure better access, integration and usage of research infrastructure and data. 

Services and expertise

EMBL Australia’s flagship program is the EMBL Australia Partner Laboratory Network (PLN), a network of research groups embedded in existing research institutes and universities across the country. Our long-term funding model attracts outstanding local and international researchers, who ask big questions in the life sciences. Their innovative research encompasses the fields of: cancer epigenetics, RNA biology, antibiotics and bacterial infections, bone regeneration, chromatin biology, cellular physiology, muscle cell biology, malaria immunology, single molecule science, immune response, theoretical biophysics and cytoskeleton and molecular motors.

We look forward to discussing your project or problem in further detail, please get in touch 

Molecular biology

Life sciences


Cancer epigenetics

RNA biology

Antibiotics and bacterial infections

Bone regeneration

Chromatin biology

Cellular physiology

Muscle cell biology

Malaria immunology

Single molecule science

Immune response

Theoretical biophysics

Cytoskeleton and molecular motors

Training programs


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How we have helped

Provider case studies

EMBL Australia and Bioplatforms Australia joined forces to host a...
On a recent visit to EMBL Heidelberg, Ian Smith, Chair...
Australia’s National Research Infrastructure (NRI) swiftly redeployed to support national...

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