State support injects big cash for upgrades and new national research infrastructure

Aerospace - astronomy - satellites, Agriculture - horticulture - viticulture, Animal health and veterinary sciences, Arts and creative industries, Biological and life sciences, Biomedical and clinical sciences, Biotechnology - therapeutics - pharmaceuticals, Built environment - design - real estate, Chemical sciences and industries, Clean technology, Climate science, Commerce - management - tourism and services, Construction, Defence and security industries, Earth sciences, Economics, Education and training, Energy, Engineering, Environmental management and policy, Environmental sciences and technologies, Food science and technology, Healthcare and social services, History - heritage - archaeology, Indigenous studies, Information and computing sciences, Language - communication - culture, Law and legal studies, Manufacturing, Marine research and ocean industries, Mathematical sciences, Medical equipment and devices, Mineral resources, Physical sciences, Plant production and plant primary products, Psychology - social sciences - humanities, Public policy, Transport, Utilities (excl. Energy)

National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)-supported programs have received nearly $30 million in co-investment from the New South Wales and Queensland Governments through the NCRIS Support Program and Research Infrastructure Co-Investment Fund (RICF), respectively.  

Co-funding arrangements such as the NCRIS Support Program and RICF are another way that NCRIS ensures that spending on research infrastructure is as cost-effective as possible and delivers on the needs of both state and federal priority areas. A recent return-on-investment analysis by Lateral Economics estimated the benefits derived from NCRIS at $7.50 for every dollar of investment. 

The NSW Government’s NCRIS Support Program has invested $15 Million in 8 NSW NCRIS Providers. The NCRIS Support Program is a competitive program to enable the delivery of, and equitable access to, NSW-based essential research and innovation infrastructure that is funded under the Commonwealth Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). The full list of projects can be found at theNCRIS Support Program webpage. 

NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, Hugh Durrant-Whyte said: 

We recognise the vital role NCRIS facilities play in supporting the state’s research and development sector. These facilities enable the most advanced research and commercialisation opportunities to happen right here in NSW. These activities are a critical driver for innovation in the state’s economy. 

The Queensland Government’s Research Infrastructure Co-Investment Fund (RICF) contribution will maintain and grow leading-edge science and innovation capabilities. Optimising world-class research infrastructure to support a thriving innovation ecosystem in Queensland will drive ideas through to commercialisation, adoption and diffusion. The full list of funded projects can be found in the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) announcement. 

Queensland Chief Scientist Professor Kerrie Wilson said: 

This funding further boosts Queensland’s key areas of research, ensuring our scientists have leading edge translational research infrastructure in which to do their work. Their cutting-edge research with industry opens the doors to future opportunities and help drive the development of new impactful and innovative products for the benefit of Queensland. 

The funded programs are managed by: