Microscopy Australia (MicroAu)

Aerospace - astronomy - satellites, Agriculture - horticulture - viticulture, Animal health and veterinary sciences, Arts and creative industries, Biological and life sciences, Biomedical and clinical sciences, Biotechnology - therapeutics - pharmaceuticals, Built environment - design - real estate, Chemical sciences and industries, Clean technology, Construction, Defence and security industries, Energy, Engineering, Environmental management and policy, Environmental sciences and technologies, History - heritage - archaeology, Language - communication - culture, Law and legal studies, Manufacturing, Marine research and ocean industries, Mineral resources, Physical sciences, Plant production and plant primary products, Psychology - social sciences - humanities, Transport, Utilities (excl. Energy)
Biomolecular data, Imaging and image analysis, Indigenous knowledge, Protein and metabolite characterisation, Specialised environments (grow rooms - secure remote access labs - laboratories)

About this Provider

Microscopy Australia provides researchers and industry with access to the nation’s largest range of high-end microscopes, microanalysis tools, and specialists. It consists of university-based microscopy centres around the country.

Our open access policy means that researchers anywhere in Australia can access any of our nine university-based facilities and a range of other linked microscopy labs. Our instruments have dedicated experts to deliver high quality training and support to ensure you get the best research outcomes.

Contact Information


Microscopy Australia’s instruments and expertise underpin high-quality research and innovation in Australia. We typically enable over 3,500 researchers from universities and industry each year. We provide practical support in planning, training, sample preparation, data collection and analysis across diverse fields from art and archaeology, biosciences, chemistry, engineering and materials to medical research, resources, clean energy, agriculture and more.

Microscopy Australia also has formal connections with a range of other specialised linked laboratories and is connected to microscopy infrastructure internationally.


To empower Australian science and innovation by making advanced microscopes accessible to all researchers.

  • Provide high quality training and project support to users
  • Optimise instrument performance
  • Develop new techniques and instruments
  • Enable high quality data collection
  • Support experienced users
  • Fluorescence, Confocal & Multiphoton Microscopy
  • Super Resolution Microscopy
  • Analytical Spectroscopy
  • Laser Microdissection
  • Imaging & Analytical Spectroscopy
  • In-situ Imaging & Testing
  • Cathodoluminescence
  • Electron Backscatter Diffraction
  • Imaging & Analytical Spectroscopy 
  • Cryo-techniques & Tomography
  • Electron Diffraction
  • Phase & Z-contrast Imaging 
  • Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry : La-ICP-MS
  • Imaging Mass Spectroscopy
  • Atom Probe
  • Atomic Force Microscopy
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
  • Near-field Scanning 
  • Optical Microscopy
  • X-ray Diffraction
  • X-ray Fluorescence
  • X-ray Microtomography
  • Computed Spectroscopy
  • Computed Diffraction
  • Image Simulation & Analysis
  • Data Mining


Expert practical support in:

  • planning the best microscopy-related approaches to your experiments
  • training, so you can conduct top-quality sample preparation, microscopy and data collection
  • how to analyse your data to get the most from it.
  • data management approaches

Free online tools to help you identify the best techniques for a given research question (Technique Finder) and to acquire basic practical knowledge about them and how to use the instruments (MyScope).

As well as working with academics,  we also support industry, both through indirect collaborative research projects and directly through fee-for-service imaging and analytical jobs that can answer questions in R&D, quality control, failure analysis, and patent and approvals support.






Over 200 instruments across multiple techniques at facilities around the country. They include: specimen preparation tools; light and laser microscopes and super-resolution techniques; scanning and transmission electron microscopes, including cryo platforms and focussed ion beam instruments; mass spectroscopy and spectrometry instruments; scanning probe instruments; X-ray diffraction and microtomography. They are located across our nine facilities at:

  • The University of Sydney
  • The University of Queensland
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Australian National University
  • Monash University
  • UNSW Sydney
  • The University of Adelaide
  • The University of South Australia
  • Flinders University






Our highly trained and experienced platform scientists and support staff regularly attend workshops and masterclasses in best practice, advanced technique developments and facility management to ensure they are best placed to provide the most appropriate support to our users.





Microscopy Australia has an open access policy. This means any Australian researcher, from academia or industry, can access any of our facilities.

Access to instruments is based on a combination of scientific merit and feasibility of the program of work. Commercial/industry access is available on a fee-for-service or ongoing basis. 

Fees for instrument use and staff time are published on the each facility’s website. Fees for NCRIS-supported instruments are discounted to ensure access for all Australian researchers. 

We provide a free online tool ‘Technique Finder‘, to help researchers determine the most appropriate microscopy or microanalysis technique for their research project.  

Researchers, from academia or industry, own the data created at Microscopy Australia facilities. No restrictions are placed on data produced using our facilities. We encourage research data to be openly accessible (open as possible, closed as necessary), when it was captured using Microscopy Australia facilities. There is no requirement to assign to intellectual property (IP) generated from use of Microscopy Australia facilities.


The Latest Updates

How we have helped

Provider case studies

Through trust and identity, the impact of Australia’s distributed microscopy...
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)-supported programs have received nearly...
Water contamination from dyes used in food, cosmetics, textiles, and...
Bowel cancer claims more than 100 lives in Australia every...
On a recent visit to EMBL Heidelberg, Ian Smith, Chair...
Researchers have used advanced microscopy at our Curtin University linked...
Dengue is the most significant mosquito-borne viral disease in the...
From nanotechnology to Indigenous empowerment Spinifex, a hardy Australian grass,...
Researchers have used IMOS’s Ocean Gliders along with Microscopy Australia’s...
More efficient solar cells are paving the way to cheaper...

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