National Deuteration Facility (NDF)

Agriculture - horticulture - viticulture, Biological and life sciences, Biomedical and clinical sciences, Chemical sciences and industries, Engineering, Environmental sciences and technologies, Physical sciences
Chemical synthesis, Imaging and image analysis, Irradiation, Material characterisation, Materials synthesis and modification, Testing - physical simulators - metrology - validation

About this Provider

ANSTO’s National Deuteration Facility (NDF) is an NCRIS funded program which created and supports Australia’s only molecular deuteration facility. NDF provides access to landmark infrastructure and expertise for chemical and biological deuteration capabilities, facilitating world-leading research for Australian users to address complex challenges in industrial, medical and environmental applications. 

Contact Information

P: +00 0000 000


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The National Deuteration Facility (NDF), located at ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus, is Australia’s only deuteration facility, the only one of its type in the southern hemisphere and one of the very few in the world. Deuteration means to replace the hydrogen atoms in a molecule with its heavy isotope deuterium. 

This enables scientists to understand the structure and interactions of molecules at the nanoscale in complex chemical and biological systems using many characterisation techniques and also creates useful new materials with superior properties. The NDF facilitates new research and industrial applications in areas including health and advanced materials through access to landmark research infrastructure and expertise for deuteration using chemical and/or biological techniques.


The NDF will provide a world-class facility enabling high-impact and novel research driven by users through the provision of bespoke deuterated molecules as a characterisation tool and by providing science and technology solutions to industry by evaluating the effect of deuteration on improving performance of material properties in industrial, medical and environmental applications.

NDF provides a range of services to support a wide range of research and innovation and experimental applications:

  • Deuteration of natural and synthetic lipids
  • Multiple labelling of Proteins for NMR Spectroscopy (combinations of stable isotopes H-2, C-13 and N-15)
  • Deuterium labelling of proteins (to tailored deuteration levels) 
  • Protein expression and purification 
  • Deuteration of detergents, surfactants and other organic molecules
  • Deuterium analysis  

A catalogue of the range of molecules NDF can provide can be found on the NDF website and also provided as a pdf via email on request. If the molecule or material you are looking for is not listed, please make contact via the NDF enquiries email.

  • Synthetic chemistry labs and infrastructure 
  • Biology and microbiology labs and infrastructure
  • High pressure and temperature reactors (Parrs) and Microwave Synthesisers 
  • Bioreactors and incubators for bacteria, yeast and algae growth requirements 
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
  • Chromatography systems for chemistry and biology 
  • Mass Spectrometers (MS)
  • Chemical and biological analysis equipment  

The NDF has a multidisciplinary team with specialised expertise in the production, purification and analysis of deuterated and multiply-labelled molecules and can provide advice regarding your research or experimental application of deuterated molecules:

  • Biological deuteration specialists 
  • Chemical deuteration specialists
  • Structural biologists 
  • Microbiologists 
  • Synthetic chemists and biochemists


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Open access

Certificate of Analysis (CoA) is provided for the chemically deuterated compounds and Product Data Sheet (PDS) for labelled biomass or purified protein. These documents contain data required for journal publication and further method detail is available on request. NDF co-authorship is expected on published papers that use the deuterated or multiply-labelled compounds provided to users.

Various access modes are available to the NDF for Australian and international researchers.

Application based

Access to the NDF is primarily via an open, competitive, peer-reviewed, merit-based user program with proposal submissions entered via the online ANSTO Research Portal.  

Two submission rounds are held each year, closing in mid-March and mid-September. However, applications can be submitted any time for consideration. 

Fee based

Two modes of fee-based access are available:

  • User pays/collaboration access with shared cost of materials and labour between NDF and researcher. Proposal submissions are required for this access mode. 
  • Commercial/industry access via fee-for-service which involves full cost recovery of materials and labour. 

Further details are available on the ANSTO website and any queries can be directed to


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