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National Sea Simulator | SeaSim
Investigating heat resistance in corals Since 2013, the National Sea Simulator (SeaSim) has been a pivotal resource in advancing our understanding of coral heat resistance and...
More children and young people are accessing schooling than at any other point in history. This is largely due to the pursuit of Sustainable Development...
Road accidents are a major source of trauma worldwide. Over 1.3 million people are killed in road accidents annually, and collisions are a leading cause...
The Translational Research Institute’s integration of FileSender enables fast and secure data sharing, streamlining collaboration for vital medical research. The Translational Research Institute (TRI) is at the...
The journey to school is a vital part of a child’s physical, psychological, and social development. It offers children an opportunity to interact and emotionally...
Australians are ageing at an unprecedented rate. As people get older, frailty and increased use of health resources pose a significant challenge to already strained...
Case Study_HIA_Binar CubeSat
CubeSats – small satellites roughly 10cm in size – punch above their weight when it comes to space research. Their low weight and affordable components...
Using data available through AURIN, as well as Westgate and EPA (Environment Protection Authority Victoria) monitor data, researchers from the University of Queensland and the...
Case Study_AARNet_jrsrp-sensor
FileSender addresses the challenge of moving large datasets around for researchers participating in the Joint Remote Sensing Research Program. For environmental researchers, the volume of...
RIC-SEM UQ Cryo RAT test for flavivirus[60]
Through trust and identity, the impact of Australia’s distributed microscopy infrastructure will be revealed. Microscopy Australia is a consortium of university-based microscopy facilities that provides...
Understanding the usage of Australia’s critical climate change modelling software through user reporting, will inform the future of this service. ACCESS-NRI, Australia’s Climate Simulator, is...
Through a national framework for trusted identity, accessing one of Australia’s Tier 1 supercomputers will become easier. The Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre (Pawsey) is one...
SCRV - Research Vessel
Background The frequency and severity of extreme events such as marine heatwaves, cyclones and flooding along Australia’s West Coast is increasing, however, the impact of...
Southern Coastal Research Vessel
Background While detailed habitat mapping coverage has been substantially advanced by State governments in many coastal regions, Commonwealth waters of the continental shelf typically lack...
Case Study_HIA_dstg
Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility’s Space Irradiation Beamline (HIAF-SIBL), hosted at the Australian National University, has played a vital role in an exciting first for the...
Black-backed Fairywren (Malurus splendens ssp. melanotus) Photo Credit Ellura Sanctuary CC BY NC
Supporting industry with data access The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is Australia’s national biodiversity data infrastructure. It allows industry, researchers, decision-makers and the community...
IEK_Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) Photo Credit Rich Kostecke CC BY NC
Connecting Traditional and Western science Indigenous Ecological Knowledge The Atlas of Living Australia’s (ALA) Indigenous Ecological Knowledge (IEK) program supports collaboration with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait...
Asian Shore Crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus) Photo Credit djurliv CC BY NC
The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and its large network of biodiversity data providers are helping our national biosecurity system to protect Australia’s flora and fauna from the threat of...
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)-supported programs have received nearly $30 million in co-investment from the New South Wales and Queensland Governments through the NCRIS...
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Genetics technical specialists at the Biomolecular Resource Facility are using the Globus data movement service through AARNet to share huge datasets with national and international...
EMBL_Case Study_future proof
EMBL Australia and Bioplatforms Australia joined forces to host a pivotal proteomics workshop titled ‘Future-proofing Computational Proteomics’ on 24 April, featuring leading guest speakers, Dr...
The NCRIS Health Group will support Australian brain cancer research through Brain Cancer Australia’s project to develop an integrated network of research platforms to improve...
Over 90% of fruit, vegetables, meat, milk, and eggs sold in Australia are domestically produced, and over half of Australia’s agricultural produce is exported. As...
With the world’s population expected to reach unprecedented levels by 2050 and a 73% projected increase in meat consumption, there is an urgent need to...
Two new native mice have scurried into the list of Australian mammal species! The words “species” and “Australia” are unfortunately traditionally linked to their disappearance...
Connecting the ACCESS Community
The ACCESS-Hive is an open-source collaborative portal developed by and for the community of users and developers of the ACCESS models. The ACCESS-Hive team l-r:...
ACCESS impact as a global climate model 1
Over 7,000 users based at 400 different institutions in 35 countries have accessed ARDC-supported digital research platforms for ecological modelling to inform environmental research and...
Quantum computing is a revolution in progress, and Dr Shao Qi Lim is excited to be part of it. “I’m lucky to be part of...
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Professor Steven Prawer from the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne, wants everybody to have diamonds. To improve their quality of life, of...
Water contamination from dyes used in food, cosmetics, textiles, and other production processes has become a major ecological problem. Numerous chemical companies, such as those...
Bowel cancer claims more than 100 lives in Australia every week. Thankfully, researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) have discovered that an immune protein...
Astrophysicists from the Sydney Institute for Astronomy (SIfA) at the University of Sydney are using the computing power of the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) to...
EMBL_Case Study_european connections
On a recent visit to EMBL Heidelberg, Ian Smith, Chair of the EMBL Australia Council, spoke about the synergies between EMBL and EMBL Australia, opportunities...
AuScope_case study_intergrated earth
Members of the earth science community from all over Australia came to Canberra in September to take part in a unique gathering – the Integrated...
Artist’s impression of a record-breaking fast radio burst
A global team led by Macquarie University’s Dr Stuart Ryder and Swinburne University of Technology’s Associate Professor Ryan Shannon have discovered the most distant fast...
Data linkage is helping researchers understand the lifelong impact of child abuse and neglect, and how they entrench intergenerational disadvantage. Every year, 1 in 20...
Associate Professor Lee Spitler – AAO and Advanced Navigation, Moon to Mars Initiative As part of a Moon to Mars Initiative, Australian Astronomical Optics  (AAO) at...
AuScope_Case Study_Navigation
What do precision agriculture, weather predictions and synchronising financial transactions all have in common? They rely on geodesy, the science of measuring the Earth that...
ARDC clinical trial data unlocked for research
Health Data Australia is unlocking clinical trial data for research at a national scale. For the first time in Australia, researchers can find clinical trial...
AuScope_Case Study_Geological cycle
Tectonic changes alter sea levels that can create breeding grounds for life Movement in the Earth’s tectonic plates indirectly triggers bursts of biodiversity in 36-million-year...
Microscopy Australia - HAYABUSA-rocket-that-collected-itokawa-samples-cJAXA-2048x1345
Researchers have used advanced microscopy at our Curtin University linked laboratory to understand the longevity of rubble pile asteroids, revealing important findings for planetary defence....
Microscopy AU - HDMAP-with-Dengue-vaccine-coating-1170x520
Dengue is the most significant mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. With an estimated 390 million cases annually, it results in approximately US$6.9 billion in...
Linking Australians to their heritage  CSIRO research vessel (RV) Investigator, part of the Marine National Facility (MNF), offers a highly flexible platform that can accommodate...
Last year, a $1 million Australian Government grant enabled the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) to undergo ‘brain surgery’ – its resulting processing capability is being...
Spinifex cellulose nanofibres (AIBN)
From nanotechnology to Indigenous empowerment Spinifex, a hardy Australian grass, spread widely across inland Australia, presents a new high-tech opportunity for the future of construction,...
Researchers have used IMOS’s Ocean Gliders along with Microscopy Australia’s microscopes to better understand Western Australia’s major algal blooms in 2021. South West Western Australia...
In the era of big data, Australian astronomers have a powerful strategic advantage to help them extract insights from the immense data volumes that characterise...
The Australian Phenome Bank: a national biobank and database aiding the discovery of genetic disease causes and advancing Personalised Medicine. Phenomics Australia’s Biobanking service provides a...
doctor using tablet to review health data
Phenomics Australia NCRIS expertise is used in providing knowledge to look into the commercial and translational potential of CRISPR technology. Phenomics Australia’s long-term support of...
large research vessel on open ocean
Research vocabularies are helping researchers aggregate data from a wide range of sources and disciplines to find evidence-based solutions to big societal challenges such as...
Associate Professor Julia Bryant
Associate Professor Julia Bryant, Astralis-USyd – AAT’s Hector instrument and Nicholas Hacko Watchmaker A major new instrumentation project for the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) has led...
Infrastructure and expertise supported by Phenomics Australia and Therapeutic Innovation Australia (TIA)are used in fighting food poisoning toxins. Prof Si Ming Man (right) and Dr...
urban wetlands
We are pleased to announce—in collaboration with the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), Federation University and BirdLife Australia—our first Built Environments and Biodiversity Project: Valuing Urban Wetlands....
We recently chatted with Joe Shapter, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure) at the University of Queensland (UQ), to learn more about how his ORCID ID has...
A mosquito sitting on the arm of a person.
Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus is a potentially fatal disease that infects about 100,000 people worldwide every year. Caused by an arbovirus (an arthropod-borne virus), it...
Older people, despite bearing the burden of chronic disease and being more likely to take prescription drugs older people are under-represented in clinical trials. Studying older people...
This ambitious one-year pilot project aims to understand the landscape of Australian environmental health data collection at both state and national levels. Rising temperatures, more...
More efficient solar cells are paving the way to cheaper and more sustainable energy. The silicon solar cells that currently dominate the market are plateauing...
aerial view of forest
Australia’s national research infrastructures are working together to streamline access to integrated data for State of the Environment reporting and other environmental assessments. The collaborative...
In November 2021, Chalice Mining Limited released a maiden resource statement for the Julimar polymetallic mineral deposit on Wadjuk Country in Western Australia. This is...
people at a computer
A new partnership between 10 Australian research institutions will train instructors in The Carpentries, a proven method for teaching digital research skills to researchers. We...
DRESA logo
DReSA is a portal for discovering digital research training events, materials, providers and trainers in Australia, New Zealand, and the region. We are excited to...
AuScope_Case study_cochlear
Our spectrometry wizards at Macquarie University’s MQ GeoAnalytical laboratory (MQGA) are at it again, innovatively applying their new age-dating technique to novel science challenges outside...
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A University of Queensland team made up of physicists and engineers have found a way to identify and address imperfections in materials for one of...
AuScope_Case Study_Earthquake
Hold onto your coffee cups and comfort the dog. This morning’s earthquake in southeastern Australia, which is perhaps the largest in the region in 200...
WearOptimo have used Microscopy Australia’s facilities to develop a world-first, wearable, real-time health sensor, which is now in clinical trials. WearOptimo aims to provide affordable, wearable...
AuScope_Case study_planet to pandemic
After years of building NCRIS enabled software to address geodynamics problems, researcher and AuScoper from The University of Melbourne, Rohan Byrne, found an opportunity to...
stars in the night sky
Dr Simon Campbell, ARC Future Fellow at Monash University, is unravelling the origin of the elements in the universe, one ARDC Nectar Research Cloud processor...
Researchers at institutions like SAHMRI are now able to access hundreds of online platforms with a single sign on thanks to Rapid IdP. Image provided by SAHMRI
Thanks to investment from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), the new Rapid Identifier Provider, or Rapid IdP, is making it easier for Australian research...
NCRIS COVID-19 response
Australia’s National Research Infrastructure (NRI) swiftly redeployed to support national and international COVID-19 research. Some examples are listed below. Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP),...
aerial view of a winding river through a forest
Over 7,000 users based at 400 different institutions in 35 countries have accessed ARDC-supported digital research platforms for ecological modelling to inform environmental research and...
doctor using tablet to review health data
Creating new health indicators that improve the understanding of the health of Australian urban and regional populations Australian Urban Health Indicators (AusUrb-HI) is a collaboration...
x-ray image showing electronic device within a person's chest
A new type of ultra-efficient, nano-thin material could advance self-powered electronics, wearable technologies and even deliver pacemakers powered by heart beats. The flexible and printable...
Engineers at Monash University have developed a new solar filtration method to remove deadly bacteria, such as E. coli, from water using a safe and low-cost...
When Australian National University epidemiologist Associate Professor Rosemary Korda first started holding public forums for Canberra residents affected by ‘Mr Fluffy’ insulation, people were very...
aerial view of a winding river through a forest
The national State of the Environment (SoE) report provides authoritative information on the natural environment that sustains our economy and wellbeing. It provides the Australian...
A unique partnership between Dugalunji Aboriginal Corporation and a University of Queensland research team has lead to the development of valuable and sustainable nanofibres leading...
In February 2020, Clean Earth Technologies (CET) signed an agreement with Flinders University to produce commercial quantities of an environmental wonder material. Developed by Prof....
Next generation X-ray technology, developed and manufactured in Adelaide, is solving global health, defence and security challenges by making X-ray machines significantly lighter and more...
Researchers at Flinders University have made significant increases in efficiency in several emerging solar cell technologies using phosphorene – a 2D form of phosphorus only...
AuScope_Case Study_covid city
Our responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically changed human activity all over the world. People are working from home, schools are closed in many...
Positions of the floats that have delivered data within the last 30 days
Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) coordinates Australia’s contribution of approximately 10% of the global Argo array. Used internationally and by the Royal Australian Navy...
NCRIS, AAF and AURIN logos
AURIN (Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network) provides support to Australian researchers, planners, and policy makers to inform evidence-based decision making. The eresearch facility enables critical...
Dr Kate Robertson in the field setting up equipment for magnetotelluric imaging.
Australian Geophysicists are mapping the possible location of economic mineral deposits in South Australia and relying on the NCI to produce advanced 3D models of...
aerial map of roads
AURIN is leading a collaboration with researchers, planners and policy makers from across Australia to create the Australian Transport Research Cloud (ATRC). There are many...
A world-first collaborative commons for analysing and modelling ecological and environmental challenges. The Challenge Our planet is facing massive biodiversity loss due to overexploitation of...
graphic of cancer cells
CAVATICA is a cloud-based platform for collaboratively accessing, sharing, and analysing childhood cancer data. Childhood cancer kills more children than any other disease in Australia...
NCRIS-enabled projects AURIN and TERN are delivering data and analysis tools to support research and planning for more sustainable urban environments. Discussions around suburban sprawl...
Sydney harbour bridge
The Sydney Harbour Bridge was opened in 1932 and not surprisingly, is a heritage-listed structure. A mammoth effort is required to look after the Bridge...
An MWA tile at night.
The ARDC-supported All Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO) serves as a data portal to distribute MWA data to the international astronomical community. Operational in Western Australia...
Key data streams for the Southern Ocean Time series
Deployed and retrieved by the Marine National Facility (MNF) on behalf of Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), the Southern Ocean Time Series Observatory provides high...
parents and children at school crossing
Improved modelling of the health and well-being of Australians supports evidence-based health policy and health services planning. Australia has one of the highest rates of...
Next-generation transistors may revolutionise electronics The transistor is the building block for all electronics, and typically involves sending electrical currents through silicon. Every computer and...
medical team over child
Elastagen Pty Ltd is a clinical stage medical device company that is pioneering Elastatherapy™ using the human protein elastin to naturally repair and augment the...
The Trusted Data Repositories for the National Imaging Facility project brought together researchers and informatics specialists from UQ’s Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI), Monash Biomedical...
Coral Spawning 2015
The National Sea Simulator (SeaSim) supports the propagation of a range of marine organisms, including corals, sponges, and Crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS). Utilising advanced infrastructure, SeaSim...
An international team of researchers has developed a new way to localise cholesterol is in cells and tissues. This provides insights into how cholesterol moves...
Data linkage has had a significant role in the reduction in cervical cancer in Australia. Preventing cervical cancer The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine is a...